Project Partners

University of Graz

The University of Graz, which was founded in 1585, is Austria's second oldest university and one of the largest in the country. Many excellent scientists, amongst them six Nobel laureates, have taught and researched here. With 32,500 students and 4,300 employees the University of Graz contributes significantly to the vibrating life of the Styrian capital. Its location in Europe encourages a lively scientific, economic and cultural exchange with South-East Europe, from which not only the city benefits, but also its educational institutions.

Its international networking in the fields of teaching, research, organizational and human resource development has increased considerably in the context of building the European Higher Education Area. Its profile includes cooperation programmes with excellent European and non-European universities. One of our special features is the close collaboration with South-East Europe and networking participation in the Coimbra Group and the Utrecht Network in the frame of which there are additional possibilities for mobility and project cooperation. Austria’s unique internship programmes for members of teaching, research and administration staff as well as the continuous increase in short-term lectureships in the frame of the EU Socrates programme are part of our internationally oriented human resource development measures.

Experts involved:

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